It’s hard to believe that khōréō is already halfway through its first year! We published our inaugural issue on February 15 to fantastic reviews, including shout-outs to all our stories in Charles Payseur’s Hugo-nominated Quick Sips; high praise for “The Frankly Impossible Weight of Han” in Maria Haskins’ Short Fiction Treasures roundup for Strange Horizons; and an Honourable Mention for Shingai Njeri Kagunda’s “A Little History of Things Lost & Found” in Alex Brown’s February Must-Read Short Fiction column for Tor.Com.
We hope you’ll love Issue 1.2 just as much as our first. We have five new stories and one original essay for you–all completely different from our previous lineup, yet sharing a common thread that we’re coming to identify as the khōréō heart. In these pages, you’ll find works of horror, science fiction, dystopian fiction, and cli-fi that engage with themes of hope, love, anguish, and change. As with our last issue, make sure to keep an eye out for our website, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts stream, where we’ll be releasing audio versions of each story and essay throughout the upcoming quarter.
As we wrap up the search for the stories that will make up our third issue, we’re left with so much excitement for what our future holds. Soon, we’ll be ramping up marketing for our last submission cycle of the year, which will also be our first themed issue: food! We’re looking for stories and essays that explore food as a vehicle for identity, culture, discovery, change, and any other facets of migration or diaspora. If that tickles your fancy, now’s the perfect time to start drafting; submissions will be open July 1-31.
Our last announcement of this issue: we’ve added two fantastic members to our team. Megha Krishnan joins us as our new Marketing Director; she’ll help us get the word about khōréō out to an even broader range of readers. In addition, Dev Agarwal has come on as our new Non-Fiction Editor; he’ll bring you even more fantastic essays. We’re so excited for what the future will bring for our small but mighty magazine and we couldn’t do this without you, our fantastic readers! Thank you again for reading our magazine and supporting our smallest beginnings. We can’t wait to grow with you.
Alexandra Hill, Rowan Morrison, and Lian Xia Rose
Editors, khōréō magazine