EmeraldEmpress123 • 3 months ago
Burner account because I don’t want anyone I know to find this.
Some context: I (34F) am an R&D contractor for Triumphant, and a significant part of my work involves talking to people, mostly other contractors, suppliers, and quality control officers. Think multiple holos every day, packed around the actual work that I do in the lab. And lmty, you cannot afford to get sloppy when it comes to genome editing!
Anyway, as my work is rated as High Impact and I recently became eligible for Emerald Perks, some six months ago I decided to have a GD commissioned to help me manage my business. Paid a lot of money for her, too. I even opted for the cognitive enhancement add-on. (The GD labs must be making bank with the prices they charge. Almost makes me regret opting for botany.) I was sceptical when I picked up my unit—how weird is it to see your mirror image move about and talk autonomously?—but soon I felt I was getting my money’s worth. She settled into her duties like—well, like she was made for it! Within a couple weeks, I could delegate most of the holos to her while I focused on increasing my lab’s output. I could even finally boot up my poor neglected mindfulness bot again. It was so much better than what I’d expected.
Well, until a month ago, when she approached me after my meditation session and told me she was a transgender man.
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