Current Issue

Stories will be released on our website and podcast approximately 1-2 months after publication in our issues.

Letter from the Editors
Aleksandra Hill, Kanika Agrawal, Rowan Morrison, Zhui Ning Chang, Isabella Kestermann, and Sachiko Ragosta

Special Content

Coming soon: excerpt of Liar, Dreamer, Thief and an interview with its author, Maria Dong!

Interview with Naseem Jamnia
Questions by Aleksandra Hill

Excerpt: The Bruising of Qilwa
Out from Tachyon Publications


The Trauma Tourist
Christos Callow Jr

The Doll’s Boy
Kawai Shen

Kolumbo 1619: Choose Your Own Adventure
KÁNYIN Olorunnisola

The Secret
Fumio Takano (original author), Sharni Wilson (translator)

AITA for telling my genetic double she can’t be transgender?
Leon Tomova

The Tangle
Rae Mariz


Cover: Issue 4.4
Diego Penuela

Previously Published


The Secret

Translated by Sharni Wilson
Edited by Zhui Ning Chang || Narrated by - || Produced by -
Classism, Injustice
4400 words

Year 2102

“Hey. My name’s Michi. Nice to meetcha. So, why do I need to wear this? I thought the job was hacking.”

Michi stared down her nose at the frilly white apron over the regulation navy-blue dress, which bagged a little on her slender frame. Her flamboyantly orange hair, which she usually shoved into messy pigtails, was confined in a lace mobcap. The only personal item she’d been allowed to keep on was the pair of augmented reality goggles she needed for work.

“It’s some hacking to do with Madam’s virtual companion—her virtual carer, yeah?”

The head maid, an older woman in a high-collared black dress, hissed, “Her Ladyship is addressed as the Mistress.”

“Um, the lady you look after is an eighty-seven-year-old spinster—”

“She is the Mistress. The Mistress is the aunt of the family’s present head. No further questions.”

Oh, yeah? Michi held her tongue. It wouldn’t do any good to argue, she could tell.

• • •

Fumio Takano has been a leading Japanese writer of alternate history speculative fiction for a quarter century. She has been nominated numerous times for Japan’s two major science fiction awards—the Nihon SF Taishō and the Seiun Awards—and she won the Edogawa Rampo Prize presented by the Mystery Writers of Japan for her novel The Sister Karamazov. Her many works include Canto Angelico, a cyber-baroque opera novel; Red Star, a steampunk novel about a counterfeit Russian emperor hiding out in an electro-industrialised Edo period; and Danger: Do Not Mix, a collection of short stories that remix various literary masterpieces. Her novel Graf Zeppelin was a finalist for the Nihon SF Taishō Award, ranked first in Hayakawa’s Best SF 2023, and won the prestigious Seiun Award in 2024.
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khōréō is a new magazine of speculative fiction by immigrant and diaspora authors. We’re a 501(c)(3) organization run entirely by volunteers, but we’ve paid authors pro rates for their work from the very start and we hope to do so for many years into the future. If you enjoyed reading this story and have the means, please support us by buying an issue/subscription or donating.